Thursday, March 6, 2014


Steroids in sports have been an ongoing issue that is very controversial in our world. Illegal enhancement in any form is seen as morally unjust, and basically cheating. The breakout of steroids began in the late 70's, when multiple scientists perfected the "drug". It was primarily in football, until the late 90's. Baseball was struck by many allegations and scandals following the 96 season. This issue is very relevant in my life considering I play baseball, and other sports as well. I also am an avid fan of the MLB, and it breaks my heart to see players cheat. I asked a series of questions pertaining to steroids in sports as a whole. The questions were as follows; what are your thoughts on steroid use? Do you believe people inducted into a profession Hall of Fame should be removed solely on past steroid use? Do you think the majority of steroid use is in Major League Baseball? When do you think steroids were first made public? Would you consider steroids if you were on a Major League Baseball team in danger of getting benched, or cut?
I interviewed Matthew Bukouski and Andrew Steele, both having decent intellect regarding the subject. I interviewed Matt first, and he had a strong opinion. He said that steroids are very bad, and are considering cheating. He believed that if steroids impacted their performance in a way that should not allow them to be in the Hall, then they should not be. He stated that baseball is the focal point of all steroid use. The late 1990's is when he believe steroids originated. Personally, Matthew said he would not use steroids in any instance considering the danger in taking them. He believed that they are bad for his body, if he were to take them, that is.
Andrew Steele also believed steroids are cheating. He said that people already indicted, should stay inducted. He stated that steroid use is mostly in the MLB. He believed steroids started in the 1970's. He said he would not take steroids no matter what. 

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