Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Teenage Technology Use

Banning multiple luxuries pertaining to technology such as a cellular device, laptops, etc. would be beneficial on various accounts for teenagers.. Taking away these means of entertainment would spiral into better academic achievement, and an increased attention span. Students that are up all hours of the night on phones and other technology tend to get a lot less sleep apposed to students that don't. Personally, I used to have trouble going to sleep because I would use my phone for an hour or so before bed. While using my phone, I saw myself staying up several hours after this. I asked my doctor why I couldn't sleep, and he responded by saying stimulating my brain with my phone before bed caused my brain to stay active. In a survey made by "Brian Statistics", numbers showed 68% of people have their phone next to their bed at night. Taking this into consideration, the survey showed a large majority of these people don't get enough sleep, and said they find themselves lose concentration easier. Therefore, I believe taking away these luxuries from teens would be very beneficial to their health, and educational prowess.

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