Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Ethos, Pathos, Logos

Logos- The average temperature increased by about 1 degree Celsius over the 20th century.

Pathos- If we don't change our ways, the ozone layer will keep on getting weaker.

Ethos- Climate change is linked to stronger hurricanes, more drought and increased coral deaths.

"The Nature Conservancy. Protecting Nature. Preserving Life.™." Facts about Climate Change. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Oct. 2013.

Teenage Technology Use

Banning multiple luxuries pertaining to technology such as a cellular device, laptops, etc. would be beneficial on various accounts for teenagers.. Taking away these means of entertainment would spiral into better academic achievement, and an increased attention span. Students that are up all hours of the night on phones and other technology tend to get a lot less sleep apposed to students that don't. Personally, I used to have trouble going to sleep because I would use my phone for an hour or so before bed. While using my phone, I saw myself staying up several hours after this. I asked my doctor why I couldn't sleep, and he responded by saying stimulating my brain with my phone before bed caused my brain to stay active. In a survey made by "Brian Statistics", numbers showed 68% of people have their phone next to their bed at night. Taking this into consideration, the survey showed a large majority of these people don't get enough sleep, and said they find themselves lose concentration easier. Therefore, I believe taking away these luxuries from teens would be very beneficial to their health, and educational prowess.

Monday, October 28, 2013

magazine analysis

Based on my magazine, the Fry Graph shows the magazine is designed for a 5th grade reading level, or an 11 year old. The ratio of content to advertisements is 75:25. This shows the content is more important apposed to the advertisements. The writing itself is more abundant and is targeted for very avid readers. Based on people in my group, my ratio is the highest, although, my age group is the youngest. This comparison says my magazine, on average, is designed for younger people apposed to any other magazine. If I were to create a profile for a reader of this magazine, I would categorize the readers to be an intelligent 5th grader with very good values. The fact that the student would sit down and read, instead of involving themselves in other means of technology, primarily a cell phone, tablet, etc. shows their status as very smart and morally suited for the future in education.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Data driven journalistic piece

Keenan Coffey


Journalism F

Data Driven Essay

Fast Food Competitors

I found it interesting to ask a group of people what their favorite fast food eateries would be. I was not sure what restaurant would combine both exceptional taste, and good prices. Living in the United States, I have had my share of happy meals, burgers, buckets of chicken, etc. My personal favorite eatery would be Wendys because of its quality of food. I asked an essential question, that targeted teenage students at Norton High School answered. I asked "If location was not a factor, where would your first choice in fast food be? What would you order? Why?"

I asked a very broad group of people in multiple classrooms at Norton High. I decided to ask my Spanish class, and their responses were as I hypothesized. I first asked Greg Phillips, and he responded with: "Probably Wendys", I knew he'd say this, "and I would order a greasy baconator because of how good it is." This raised a question in my mind. I thought, wow, maybe the amount of grease on a sandwhich persuades the consumer to keep coming back. I also asked Paul Caramanica, and he was on board the Wendys bandwagon. "I would go to Wendys, and get a pretzel bacon cheeseburger." I knew going into asking these questions a burger would be one of the most common choices. Based on a survey on, "a burger is the second most common choice behind fries". I interviewed one last male to ask the same questions. "I would go to Wendys because of how good their baconator is. I like how greasy it is which is concerning" Tony Chen stated. Based on this data retrieval, I noticed my hypothesis was accurate in saying Wendys is people's favorite fast food eatery.

I finished off the survey with three other individuals from my Spanish class. These three were members of the opposite sex, just to see how the data varied between genders. First, I asked Chloe Gill where she would go. Chloe said: "I'd go to Panera and get a bread bowl." Panera is apparently a fast food restaurant, which I did not know of, and confirmed to me that it is indeed one. I also asked Mia Coffman, who replied saying: "I would go to panera and get an italian panini." I asked Ashley Pellitier for my last person. She said: "I'd go to Panera and get a buffalo bleu panini." Gathering all of this data, I realized a very obvious trend amongst high school students at Norton High. I noticed that males would chose to go to Wendys, a females would chose to go to Panera. I know from past experiences that Wendys is not a very expensive place, and provides a customer with good food and decent service. I am not a regular customer at Panera, but the couple times I've been it was very mediocre. Therefore, by gathering data like this I have come to a conclusion that generally males prefer Wendys, whereas females prefer Panera Bread for fast food.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Work Cited, Harvard. "Fast Food." Harvard Study. Harvard Professors, n.d. Web.

Academia. "Join & Share Your Research with the World." Cost and Calorie Analysis of Fast Food Consumption in College Students. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Oct. 2013.

"InformeDesign: RS_Detail:College Students Perceptions of Fast Food Brands." InformeDesign: RS_Detail:College Students Perceptions of Fast Food Brands. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Oct. 2013.

Interview Questions

1)Where would high-school students prefer to go for fast food if location was not a problem?
Interview questions- Where would you go? What would you order at this establishment?